Saturday, September 26, 2009

Love Letter

Hello My Heart,

From quite some time I have been in a vigorous romantic mood which makes me feel that I am covered with a zone full of energy and with high instability. The event started when I saw you and spoke to you for the first time. Probably that is the same time way back in history, when Saleem saw Anarkali's picture in spite of careful resistance from his seniors, and then fell in intense love with her.
Even if my friends sat that you do not look that beautiful as described for Anarkali, but from my end your smiling face has caught in to an unbreakable loop in my eyes. I am unable to withstand any thought of you being not with me any time, and that is making me more and more impatient. Your smile kills me every time I imagine you, and my intense feelings for you have made me put all the time in your thought. Although I have been liked and proposed by as worthy as many beautiful women, I declined their proposal as I never got the feeling or passion towards them. The same dangerous feeling of passion towards you grew gigantic when you refused to talk to me treating me a stranger. As all Indian men, I too liked that resistance in you which marks the responsible behavior in you. After all that, it gives me an immense pleasure to say that I fell for you just by seeing your photo, and rose in that love when I realized you are a gem.

I know you shall be wondering thinking about me as a weird personality who can easily fall behind any girl. But as I quoted above also and to add to that, “I thought I would never understand the base and beauty of love” but realized that my belief was a myth soon I came across you. I remember when I asked one of the girls who proposed me carefully. Her response to what love is, being "You will understand love when it happens, and don’t worry when it happens it just happens" seems to have come true. But I consciously urge you to consider this as a boon from god, because it’s very rare you will find person who would love you like crazy with out expecting anything.
I shall make it my duty to tell you about my self. I am a software engineer earning pretty decent salary. Many girls say I have a killing smile and are most comfortable and ease when they talk to me. More importantly I am a fun loving heartily boy, with lot of passion towards living a life full of joy, with various dimensions like love, sorrow, sex, romance, thrill, grit and adventure.

I shall keep you like the queen, respecting your passions, interests, and making your and my life full of fun. I assure we will have an intense romantic life full of eternal feelings.
I understand the bottom line of lovely relationships, best quote to say here would be what Vivekananda told, “love is like the sand held in the palm, the more you try to grip it the more it slips from the hand”. Hence I assure you that, I shall not grip you or your life and you will surely enjoy your liberty as a person by your self. I shall not force you in this relation. I would treat it as an arranged marriage there by giving you and your family members an equal opportunity to understand me and my family background.

I know you too are little disturbed now, and please put your time in my proposal with an idea that it is very rare for a woman in her life to get a blissful love ever. I am happy that I am offering you an eternal relationship and I know you too are happy probably because no one has written you such in intense love letter nor any one is going to write to you.

Thanks for reading the whole letter, and yes I am hoping a positive reply. After all Dushyanta fell in love with Shakuntala at first sight, and staged the basis of creation of Bharata after whom the India is named. Hence this undemanding and innocent love is in our blood, it’s our heredity, our origin and our culture.
Yours truly… (Love is a feeling of absolute bliss, and it’s the origin of the universe)
With Love,
Vishwanath Pattar….with the blessings of the god of Love-Lord Krishna!!!!